Wednesday 16 January 2008

MALAYSIA - 1967 no price

Malaysia 15 cent, 1967 Stamp. Pahang without price

This is the only stamp in the world or its kind. The stamp is attached on an envelope of THE CHARTERED BANK, currently known as Standard Chartered Bank, and it is kept in the bank for safe keeping for over 30 years in good condition. It has a potrait of the late Sultan Pahang, Malaysia. This stamp is also used during International Tourist Year.

Story behind the stamp :
100 stamps was printed on a whole sheet, this masterpiece was the only one accidently sold, and the rest of the stamps was not sold because of the price not printed and destroyed, because it is just impossible to sell a stamps without a price value. When the stamp was printed, the printer did not see it, main post office didnt see it, then it was distributed to district post office, there too did not see it. The postal clerk selling the stamp too also did not noticed it. The buyer of the stamp The Standard and Chartered Bank representative too miss it, posted, finally the postman who delivered the stamp on the envelope also did not observed it
estimate price RM 5.000.000 ( write in their newspaper :) )

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